joi, 18 iulie 2013

Backlink Bulldog!

A Power Tool Designed To Help A Website 'Jump' Up The Search Engine Rankings!

Un instrument puternic proiectat pentru a ajuta un site sa faca un salt pana in varful topurilor motoarelor de cautare!

Free download Backlink Bulldog!

Pre & Post updated Penguin

On February 11, 2011, Google launched the Panda update.

The update was designed to filter out low quality web pages that are in Google search engine index ..

This was necessary because in the previous update (codenamed caffeine) has massively increased the number of sites that Google had to deal with, and most of these sites had a low quality.

On April 24, 2012, Google launched Penguin. If Panda was, to say the Grade 1 updates on the Richter scale, triggered Penguin certainly a 10 degree earthquake among webmasters. Penguin has completely changed the way we must think SEO. It seems that everything I had learned about SEO in recent years could be thrown out the window, Google changed the way block indexing and cataloging web pages!

luni, 10 iunie 2013

Top 5 most common mistakes that are made in SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the service of optimizing sites for search engines, especially Google, to get organic traffic and Google PageRank, using SEO techniques and SEO tools for one or more keywords.SEO is the process of improving web pages so that these pages to gain a rank (PageRank) high in the eyes of search engines for a specific keyword.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a foreign field for many Dinter us. Many questions on this topic I have been asked by friends on the internet and beyond. So I decided to write an article that I questions were asked, over time, thinking that I know and also I decided to try and see what they eat that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and I think I succeeded, how to understand the phenomenon as SEO. How questions are general and are really important to understand the phenomenon SEO, try to give a necessary answers. in the hope that these answers will help people understand the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and make them a little more comfortable the entire field.

Keyword research

Choosing the right keywords The most important thing in SEO is choosing the site keywords or keyword phrases for which we want our website to get ranked in search results of search engines (SERP). For best results, choosing keywords or keyword phrases we must consider the market, that they reflect what we sell (products, services, etc..), The number of searches for keywords or keyword phrases and competition for them.

Always expressions to find the best keywords for our website, you must do a careful analysis of the competition, and find out the number of searches in order to determine an optimal ratio between how are running competition keyword phrases and how hard it is to get in top 10 for those keywords in SERP. You must keep in mind that:


I'll try detailed insight into the world of Search Engine Optimization And I'll start with this introduction to SEO.

During the day, having an online site is available to everyone and is the first step to make yourself known on the internet is incredibly easy to be able to have close bond site, but once the website is online, you'll meet, probably a common problem attracting visitors. Undoubtedly, there are thousands of millions of websites on the Internet, and we want the search engines to find us quickly and, if possible, on the first page of replies, if you rely only on luck too is not enough to be this is found to use a SEO specialist to optimize your website for search engines with SEO techniques or learn, with me on this website Search Engine Optimization

joi, 31 ianuarie 2013

Generator "Robots.txt"

Adresa site-ului
Accesul robotilor Este permis accesul oricarui robot
Acces interzis robotilor (sunt excluse toate fisierele)
Exclude de la cautare acest director/fisier:
Exclude de la cautare acest director/fisier:
Exclude de la cautare acest director/fisier:

miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013

Googsystray 1.2.4

GoogSysTray - este o aplicatie gratuita ( un soft gratuit - sau freeware - inseamna acea aplicatie pentru care producatorul are drepturi de autor dar nu pretinde bani de la cei care-l folosesc).
Aceasta aplicatie a unificat serviciile Google intr-o aplicatie desktop. Folosind acest program nu  mai avem nevoie de browser pentru a gestiona casuta de mail de la gmail. In plus, programul emite un sunet prin care  ne anunta ca am primit un mesaj nou .
GoogSysTray permite deci accesul la conturile de pe: Gmail, Google Voice, Calendar, Reader si Wave.
Este compatibil cu Linux si Windows.